41 Self - Care Ideas — Jess Yoga

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41 Self - Care Ideas

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When life gets busy it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself. But practicing self-care can have great benefits for our well being; and making it a habit — a regular practice — can be a total game changer.

Practicing self-care is different for each person and can be different from day to day. The important part is to find balance of activities that work for you. Below is my personal go-to list of self-care ideas. I hope this list inspires you to find some time for yourself. You deserve it!

  1. Gentle Yoga — check out this restorative yoga video on my YouTube channel!

  2. Read a new book.

  3. Get a massage.

  4. Give yourself permission to binge watch your latest show obsession without guilt.

  5. Go to the local coffee shop.

  6. Go through your closet and donate the clothes you haven’t worn in years.

  7. Bake something new — try a new recipe or an old favorite!

  8. Meditate.

  9. Take a social media break.

  10. Edit who you follow on social media (if they don’t bring you joy, they gotta go — no matter how nice, inspiring or cool they are).

  11. Call your mom, dad, or any other family member you care about just to say hi.

  12. Take a long, hot bubble bath — complete with candles and calming music.

  13. Dance around the house to your favorite upbeat music. This is my go-to playlist.

  14. Go for a leisurely walk.

  15. Order in dinner.

  16. Burn a candle or diffuse essential oils that have scents that bring you joy.

  17. Watch a funny movie or stand up comedy show.

  18. Make a smoothie (green power smoothies are my fav!)

  19. Go to the lake or beach.

  20. Watch the sunset.

  21. Go camping.

  22. Write in your journal.

  23. Read something inspiring.

  24. Take a nap.

  25. Go for a drive.

  26. Eat at your favorite restaurant or get your favorite take-out.

  27. Stay in your pajamas all day.

  28. Have some warm tea (Chamomile is very calming.)

  29. Write a gratitude list.

  30. Make breakfast for dinner!

  31. Play board games or cards.

  32. Write down 5 things you like about yourself.

  33. Eat chocolate.

  34. Try out a new hobby.

  35. Take a mental health day — and don’t feel guilty about it!

  36. Plant something — a tree, a small vegetable garden, a flower.

  37. Listen to a funny or inspiring podcast.

  38. Create a vision or inspiration board for your future.

  39. Look at the stars.

  40. Buy an adult coloring book & colored pencils.

  41. Write an empowering quote on a sticky note & put it on your mirror.

These are my 41 go-to self care activities. Do you have any that aren’t on this list? Share in the comments below!
