All About Yoga Teacher Jessica Richburg & Her Yoga Journey — Jess Yoga

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“True power is living the realization that you are your own

healer, hero & leader.”

— Yung Pueblo

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My journey with yoga began before I was aware of its existence…

It started in the winter of 2013, in the mountains of Boone, North Carolina. I was attending my freshman year at University. At the time, I struggled to feel inspired by the traditional educational system. Despite successfully getting into school and doing well, I felt that I wasn’t getting anywhere. I was overwhelmed with a sense of anxiety and lack of fulfillment.

I spent the next few semesters aimlessly trying to get through each class, ultimately just to get a degree in something I wasn’t passionate about.

Looking back, I realize that I felt disconnected to my true desires; I craved freedom and a creative outlet; a purpose. To fill the void I turned to unhealthy habits — binge eating, drinking, drugs and getting involved in toxic relationships. But I quickly discovered I was still unhappy, and deep in my heart I knew something had to change. After that semester ended, I decided to take a leave of absence and move back home.

What I assumed would be an easy transition, wasn't so. Rather than feeling excited about the future, I became even more anxious and started battling with depression. I was paralyzed with the fear of not knowing who I was, what I wanted to do or where I was going in life. I would avoid making any decisions because I didn’t want to make the “wrong” choice. I was scared of failing and disappointing the people around me. My mind constantly raced with thoughts and I didn’t know how to turn it off.

With the support from my parents, I eventually decided to see a therapist who ended up helping me navigate through this transitional period. Getting professional help allowed me to become aware of emotions I was supressing and false limiting beliefs I held that were hindering my growth. I was able to see new insights with clarity that would awaken a deeper sense of purpose and belonging further down my path…

Shortly after, I was introduced to yoga. I was immediately drawn to the technical exploration of asana, or the postures. I started practicing with an app on my phone which had classes I could easily follow as a beginner. At the time, I was working a retail job full time and didn’t have the time or money to afford to go to public yoga studios, so I started practicing at home. At first it was just a few minutes here and there. And then those few minutes turned into 30 minutes until eventually, I was practicing yoga for an hour nearly every day. I loved the physical challenge and it didn't take long for me to notice the benefits: gaining strength, flexibility and creating space in my body that I had neither felt nor experienced before.

Soon it occurred to me that there was a more subtle, internal change happening as well.

For the first time since I could remember, I truly felt calm and at peace. On my mat, I was able to become more mindful of my thought patterns, how to observe them without judgement and how to gracefully let them go. I learned how to separate myself from my thoughts and how to connect my movement with my breath, which allowed me to live more presently. I immersed myself within the practice for the next few years, bringing what I had learned on the mat, into my daily life and habits, fully embodying yoga and its philosophies.


I had no idea what would come from the experience, but I knew that if I kept my heart open it would lead me to my path...

My interest in anatomy and bodily mechanics led me to attend an Advanced Massage and Bodywork School in Charlotte, where I completed 500 hours studying Neuromuscular and Therapeutic Massage. From then on my world completely changed, as I was introduced to an entirely new way of living which integrated yoga, mindfulness, meditation, energy work, plant based foods and other holistic practices that opened my eyes to ideas and topics that I had never thought about before. A year after graduating from school and working as a licensed bodyworker, I signed up for my first yoga teacher training. The eight months that followed were both humbling and transformative. I felt a new awakened sense of purpose and awareness, a shift in my practice — from the material to the spiritual.

I was so inspired by my own healing & what I had learned, that I knew I had to share this practice with as many people as possible.

I kept track of the progress and growth in my yoga practice by taking photos and videos at home and sharing my journey through social media. I switched my personal Instagram account from private to public and started participating in yoga challenges to help keep me accountable. I began writing blog posts and sharing free yoga classes online and through my Youtube channel.

Through social media, I was introduced to an inspiring community of health and wellness leaders all on the same mission: to improve the wellbeing of themselves and others. As time went by, my online presence continuously grew. I decided to take a leap of faith by starting my own business and working full-time as a yoga teacher, in the hopes of spreading this transformative practice to even more people.

I am immensely grateful for the opportunities that I’ve had over the years and for the ability to reach and connect with so many amazing people from all over the world — both online and in-person!

Yoga reminds us to return to the essence of the heart — our true self, in our authentic, purest form, so that we can discover who we really are, what ignites us & how we can be of greatest service to others. 

I believe we all have a purpose in life and unique gifts to share with others. This yoga practice has been a voyage of self-discovery, the most healing and life changing experience for me yet. It has opened my heart and created a space for myself to mend, love and grow. I hope to share this powerful practice in hopes of inspiring others to live a life infused with greater states of peace and purpose.

On the mat, I teach an alignment based Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga. I incorporate mindful sequencing and themes to infuse classes with purpose and intention. I encourage freely exploring the physical and subtle bodies with breath awareness. My background in anatomy has its way of weaving into my classes as well.

Recently I continued my yoga teacher training for a month in Goa, India where I completed a 300-HR course studying yoga philosophy, asana techniques, ayurveda, pranayama, yoga nidra and meditation. I teach online classes, courses, privates, group classes, workshops and retreats in the U.S., and in Bali, Indonesia where I lived and solo-traveled for 5 months.

I currently reside in Phoenix, AZ. When I’m not teaching or working, I love spending my spare time outdoors in nature, traveling and being around loved ones. I love igniting my creativity through painting, cooking, journaling, listening to podcasts and writing. I believe yoga is a lifelong practice that can be reached in our daily lives, through gratitude, compassion, joy and love. 

I look forward to connecting with you further on and off the mat to inspire and empower one another!

All my love,

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Om Lokah Samstha Sukinho Bhavantu
May all Beings be at Peace… Hari Om

JESSICA’S Education & Experience:

* Certified Massage Therapist (500 hour course study) in Professional Massage & Bodywork TherapyNCSAB, Graduate of North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork (2016)

* Continuing Education in Thai MassageLiving Sabai & Craniosacral Therapy (2017)

* Certified Yoga Instructor RYT (200 hour course study) in Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative YogaEnlighten Yoga, Charlotte, NC (2018)

* Continuing Education RYT (300 hour course study) in Yin, Vinyasa, Pranayama, Meditation, Kriyas, AyurvedaKranti Yoga School, Goa, India (2019)

Shamanic Reiki Level I & IIDevi Ma, Bali, Indonesia (2019)

Follow my journey.